In the Book of Samuel, we learn that Hannah was given a double portion from G-d because he loved her. Today, (because of Shabbat), you get a double portion from me. Enjoy!
The Wimpel read: Hannah Z (we don't need last names, right?). was called to the Torah on Shabbat Mincha Ki-Tisa, 11 Adar, 5769, Kehillat Sinai, Tel Aviv, Israel. It was pink, light blue and white. Hannah's favorite colors, and handcrafted by Phoenix's world renowned Silkstress, Gina Richmann.
I have been working with Hannah since the beginning of the school year and last evening, we celebrated her Bat Mitzvah. She read beautifully from Parshat Ki-Tisa and gave a remarkable D'var Torah.
I thank her entire family for this opportunity to share in this Simcha and for being here these past days.
There is much more to say about Hannah's Bat Mitzvah, but right now, I am still in awe of this special day. I will, however, send some love. a HUGE thank you to Rabbi Roberto Arbib, Hazzan Barry Meislin and the entire staff at Kehillat Sinai. Barry, you were the perfect host. Rav Todot!
Quickie Morning Blog Blurb...
* Since when do tourists pay for electricity on top of room charges and taxes? I was asked to pay some NIS130.00 for electricity! $30.00? for ELECTRICITY? That is definitely going to happen. I am wondering if I am going to be charged for the water I used while flushing the toilet!?!
* Here are a few names to look for, watch out for and keep your eyes and ears on - Shay Moshe- Moshe is a guitarist extraordinaire. Shay is a hip and amazingly energetic 25 year old, who sports dreadlocks and a crisp and sharp new sound. This kid is going places... Especially if he sticks with...
Anat Ester Hitman. The only word I know to describe Anat in one word is WOW. Anat Ester is a wonderfully talented singer-songwriter who could be compared to some of the best of the best, but I won't. I can't. She is too good to be compared with the likes of Gali Atari, or Riki Gal, or Chava Alberstein... No. She is (advanced apologies to Gali, Riki or Chava if you are reading), in a word... Better.. She carries with her the innocence of age and the fortitude of experience. Anat Esther not only sings to the audience, she grabs them, strokes them and becomes one with them. The only entertainer that I have the ability to do this is Billy Joel, and we know how big he is.
Anat will get there. But first, she will keep wooing audiences here in Israel and retaining a certain ability to mesmerize a crowd like we rarely see. Tziki Laor plays also and provides terrific back-up vocals.
* Shay and Anat's success may also be attributed to their wondrous and dedicated manager-booker Andy Rosetti. I don't honestly know if I have ever seen a person, let alone a 22 year old former student, who fluently speaks more languages than I do (believe that one) work as hard as Andrea. She will not only do wonderful things in this industry, but her outlook on life is fresh, from the heart and exciting. She is exactly what this Country needs in our young adults.
* Happy 8th Birthday to CHEERS on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv. These guys know how or throw a party! Thanks!!!
* Remember Off the Wall Comedy in Jerusalem? Word is that this is THE place to be on Purim (Tuesday night). They are located in the basement at 34 Ben Yehuda Street. Be there, or be.. Hmm... not there?
I have just returned from my visit with the amazing folks at the Sderot Media Center. In case you haven't grabbed onto the idea yet, these are the people responsible for getting all of us the CORRECT and ACCURATE news relative to the goings-on in the South of Israel. All the while being under almost constant attack of Qassam Missiles and rockets from the Gaza Strip. These folks do one terrific job, working out of a sort of renovated house on HaHistradut Street.
Children play in parks which are equipped with bomb shelters, and some of these kids appear outwardly to be unaffected, but we know differently.

Anat will get there. But first, she will keep wooing audiences here in Israel and retaining a certain ability to mesmerize a crowd like we rarely see. Tziki Laor plays also and provides terrific back-up vocals.
* Shay and Anat's success may also be attributed to their wondrous and dedicated manager-booker Andy Rosetti. I don't honestly know if I have ever seen a person, let alone a 22 year old former student, who fluently speaks more languages than I do (believe that one) work as hard as Andrea. She will not only do wonderful things in this industry, but her outlook on life is fresh, from the heart and exciting. She is exactly what this Country needs in our young adults.
* Happy 8th Birthday to CHEERS on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv. These guys know how or throw a party! Thanks!!!
* Remember Off the Wall Comedy in Jerusalem? Word is that this is THE place to be on Purim (Tuesday night). They are located in the basement at 34 Ben Yehuda Street. Be there, or be.. Hmm... not there?
I have just returned from my visit with the amazing folks at the Sderot Media Center. In case you haven't grabbed onto the idea yet, these are the people responsible for getting all of us the CORRECT and ACCURATE news relative to the goings-on in the South of Israel. All the while being under almost constant attack of Qassam Missiles and rockets from the Gaza Strip. These folks do one terrific job, working out of a sort of renovated house on HaHistradut Street.
Children play in parks which are equipped with bomb shelters, and some of these kids appear outwardly to be unaffected, but we know differently.
We found these kids playing in the park. This park sports, for safety and security reasons, a "Snake Maze" that is completely enclosed. Just for safety. A new indoor playground was just built for the children of Sderot, and it will be dedicated and open next week.
More on terror and victims of terror later.
From Tel Aviv-Yafo, on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, I bid you...
Ahavah u'Vrachot...Love and Blessings...
Ahavah u'Vrachot...Love and Blessings...
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